Kelly Breslin Wright was Tableau’s EVP Sales (CRO), growing the company from inception through IPO and to $850m. She was President and CEO of Gong. She has served as Board Director/Advisor to public and private companies including Fastly, Lucid, Amperity, Dropbox, and Asana. She is Founder & CEO of Culture Driven Sales.

Who Are We & Why Do We Exist?

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Successful companies have a holistic umbrella go-to-market strategy that reinforces the mission, values, and story. An overarching go-to-market strategy drives alignment and decision-making across all departments and functions, from the C-suite to Product, Operations, Marketing, and Sales. Having clarity on “Who Are We & Why Do We Exist” has broad implications beyond just sales and marketing. These core tenants are crucial to decisions about product roadmaps, sales, marketing, and strategic initiatives, as well as attracting and retaining talent, customer engagement, fundraising, investor relations, accelerating growth, and increasing revenue.

With true alignment, every executive and employee has consistent answers to these key identity questions:

  • Who are we?
  • What is our purpose?
  • Why do we exist?
  • What do we want to be known for?
  • What is our mission?
  • What is our company story?

Although many companies believe they are aligned on company strategy and purpose, unfortunately, that is often not the case.

This 2-Day Workshop will help your team gain alignment on unified answers to:

Company Why?

Why Change?

Why Us?

During this seminar, your C-suite and go-to-market executives will participate in hands-on, interactive exercises to clearly articulate your:

  • Vision & Mission
  • Challenges with Current State
  • Founding Story
  • Benefits of Change
  • Current State / Status Quo
  • Unique Differentiated Value Proposition

This workshop will help your team gain greater alignment on a more consistent and inspirational company narrative and story. For best results, mandatory participants should include key members of your executive and go-to market leadership teams, especially Founder, CEO, CRO/Sales Leaders, CMO/Marketing Leaders, Chief Product Officer/Engineering Leaders, CHRO, and Heads of Strategy.