Course Topics

  • Company Vision/Mission
  • Sales Motion
  • Core Values and Culture
  • Ideal Seller Profile
  • Company Story
  • Sales Operations Functions
  • Differentiated Value Proposition
  • Integrated Go-To-Market Strategy
  • Ideal Customer Profile

Learnings & Takeaways


  • Discover why vision and mission matter
  • Integrate core values into go-to-market approach
  • Learn best practices to communicate your company story
  • Identify and message unique differentiated value propositions
  • Create a defensible Ideal Customer Profile
  • Design effective sales motions
  • Build your Ideal Seller Profile
  • Structure Sales Operations to drive increased productivity and success
  • Engage with customers and employees in ways that emotionally connect
  • Leverage culture to align departments and improve decision-making
  • Build an integrated go-to-market & sales strategy

"Kelly Wright’s Culture Driven Sales course has been an invaluable addition to the Foster School of Business curriculum. MBA programs have long overlooked the critical importance of sales to the overall success of many marketing initiatives - Culture Driven Sales informs this gap by directly linking the sales function to not only the firm’s marketing strategy but also to its broader mission and vision. Kelly Wright’s enthusiasm for and insight on this topic has deeply resonated with Foster MBAs - in just a few short years her course has become one of the most sought after courses in our entire program!"

Professor Mark Forehand
Professor Mark Forehand

Chair Department of Marketing and International Business, UW Foster School of Business