Kelly Breslin Wright was Tableau’s EVP Sales (CRO), growing the company from inception through IPO and to $850m. She was President and CEO of Gong. She has served as Board Director/Advisor to public and private companies including Fastly, Lucid, Amperity, Dropbox, and Asana. She is Founder & CEO of Culture Driven Sales.

Culture Driven Sales & Go-To-Market Strategy

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Design, Implement, and Manage a Successful Sales and Go-To-Market Strategy

Successful companies have a holistic umbrella sales and go-to-market strategy that reinforces their mission, values, and story. These top organizations integrate and operationalize a company’s purpose and culture into their go-to-market strategy, driving high performance, alignment, and decision-making across all departments and functions, from the C-suite to Product, Operations, Marketing, and Sales

The results? Accelerated growth and amplified sales

This workshop focuses on the key elements required to build an effective and cohesive go-to-market strategy and organization, whether for an existing company with an established sales organization or for an emerging company building and scaling from initial stages of product market fit to later stages of customer engagement and growth.

This custom workshop is hands-on and interactive. Participants will engage in practical, applied exercises reinforcing the fundamental principles, allowing your team to collaborate and challenge each other, while better mastering the material. For best results, participants should include key members of your executive and go-to-market leadership teams, especially Founders, CEO, CRO/Sales Leaders, CMO/Marketing Leaders, CPO/Engineering Leaders, and CHRO.

Benefits of Attending

  • Articulate an effective Go-To-Market Strategy and why it matters
  • Evaluate vision and/or mission statements and assess alignment with your company’s product, core values, and focus
  • Tell a compelling company story that articulates your company’s “why”
  • Identify and communicate unique differentiated value propositions that tie to your mission and company story
  • Generate a defensible Ideal Customer Profile
  • Design an Ideal Seller Profile
  • Identify the complementary Sales Motion(s) to best leverage your Ideal Seller Profile to engage your Ideal Customer Profile

Key Topics

  • Company Vision/Mission
  • Core Values
  • Company Story
  • Differentiated Value Propositions
  • Ideal Customer Profile
  • Ideal Seller Profile

For best results, this workshop should include key members of your executive and go-to-market leadership teams.